
視覚障がい者向け自律型誘導ロボット「AIスーツケース」 大阪・関西万博での実証実験を実施









アルプスアルパイン株式会社(代表取締役社長CEO:泉英男)、オムロン株式会社(代表取締役社長 CEO:辻永順太)、清水建設株式会社(代表取締役社長:井上和幸)、日本アイ・ビー・エム株式会社(代表取締役社長:山口明夫)の4社が正会員として活動する一般社団法人次世代移動支援技術開発コンソーシアム(以下、コンソーシアム)は、2025年日本国際博覧会(以下、大阪・関西万博)の会場内で、視覚障がい者向けナビゲーションロボット「AIスーツケース」の実証実験に取り組むことを発表します。日本科学未来館(館長:浅川智恵子、以下、未来館)が中心となり開発を進める特別モデルのAIスーツケースを、コンソーシアムが長期間、複数台同時に運用する計画です。











参考:2025年日本国際博覧会 『未来社会ショーケース事業出展』「スマートモビリティ万博」

ロボットエクスペリエンスの参加募集開始について (2024.1.19付 お知らせ)



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Autonomous Guidance Robot for the Visually Impaired “AI Suitcase”

Demonstration at Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan

Verification of operation under the Expo special model


Alps Alpine Co., Ltd.

OMRON Corporation

Shimizu Corporation

IBM Japan, Ltd.

National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation


May 29, 2024


Alps Alpine Co., Ltd. (President and CEO: Hideo Izumi), OMRON Corporation (President and CEO: Junta Tsujinaga), Shimizu Corporation (President and CEO: Kazuyuki Inoue), and IBM Japan, Ltd. (President: Akio Yamaguchi), a general incorporated association with four regular members: the Consortium for Advanced Assistive Mobility Platform (hereinafter referred to as "CAAMP"), announces that it will conduct a demonstration test of the "AI Suitcase" navigation robot for the visually impaired at Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan (hereinafter referred to as Expo 2025). CAAMP plans to operate multiple AI Suitcases simultaneously for an extended period of time, using a special model of AI Suitcase that is being developed primarily by the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation (Director: Chieko Asakawa; hereafter referred to as "Miraikan").


“AI Suitcase" is a suitcase-shaped robot being developed for the purpose of automatically guiding visually impaired people to their destinations. Through mutual technical cooperation between CAAMP and Miraikan, CAAMP and Miraikan have conducted demonstration tests of the navigation technology by ordinary users in indoor facilities such as large shopping malls, New Chitose Airport and Miraikan, as well as in outdoor spaces between Miraikan and the nearest train station. Since April of this year, we have been conducting regular daily test operations at Miraikan to accumulate more demonstration data to further improve navigation technology, such as guidance in crowded places and avoidance of obstacles.


In the "Smart Mobility Expo" area of the "Future Society Showcase Project," Expo 2025 plans to develop a "Robot Experience" in which various next-generation robots will be implemented and demonstrated at the venue. AI Suitcase has been selected as one of the planned participants. Miraikan will take the lead in developing a special Expo model for common use both indoors and outdoors, with improvements such as a new wheel mechanism with enhanced functionality for overcoming bumps and the addition of new sensors to recognize low-positioned obstacles, which CAAMP plans to use for demonstration purposes. By operating multiple AI suitcases simultaneously for a long period of time within the Expo site, CAAMP plans to verify the operational model and identify technical issues that need to be addressed before it can be implemented in society. The specific period and area of operation will be coordinated with the Japan Association for the 2025 World Exposition.


▼ Expo 2025 special model of AI suitcase (sample image)


▼Sample image of AI suitcase usage


Reference: Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan "Future Society Showcase Project Exhibit" "Smart Mobility Expo” Call for Participation in the Robot Experience (Announcement published on 2024.1.19)




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