
株式会社三井住友銀行、米The Climate Service, Inc.、日本アイ・ビー・エム株式会社における覚書締結について

2021年12月 9日



The Climate Service, Inc.



株式会社三井住友銀行(頭取CEO:髙島 誠、以下「三井住友銀行」)、米The Climate Service, Inc.(本社:米国ノースカロライナ州、以下「TCS」)、日本アイ・ビー・エム株式会社(代表取締役社長:山口 明夫、以下「日本IBM」)は、お客さま向けに気候変動に伴うリスク・機会分析を支援するサービスの提供を共同して進めていくことを目的とした覚書を締結しました。


TCSは、気候変動関連の国際的な開示の枠組みを提示する気候関連財務情報開示タスクフォース(以下、TCFD(*1))報告書のフレームワークに沿ったリスク・機会の分析及び財務影響(*2)を定量化するサービス「Climanomics® platform」を提供しております。今年8月より三井住友銀行と日本IBMは、日本国内において2022年春からプライム市場への移行を目指しておられるお客さまを中心に、同サービスを用いた実証実験を行いました。その結果、気候変動に伴うリスクの分析に対して一定の評価を得たことから、お客さまへ2022年明け以降にサービス提供を行うことについて、本格的な検討を開始致します。




Climanomics® platformはTCFDに準拠しています。IPCC科学者を含むチームのもと1,000以上の独自の計量経済学的関数を用いて、テラバイト級の気候科学データと個々の企業の資産データを融合し、最大80年にわたり複数の気候シナリオを網羅する分析を提供します。このプラットフォームは、猛暑、干ばつ、山火事、沿岸・河川洪水、熱帯低気圧、水ストレスなどの物理的リスクを評価することができ、データをシンプルに可視化することで、財務定量化された気候リスクの場所、リスクの強度、および時期などを把握することができます。また、こうした分析内容や引用データ等は、クラウドサービスにより画面上で確認することが出来ます。移行リスクや機会の分析は計量化モデルの標準的手法が確立されていない中であり、TCSの有する科学的アプローチにより財務影響の定量化に対応すると共に、高度化にも取り組んでおります。



SMBCグループでは「SMBC Group GREEN Innovator」を掲げ、お客様が抱える多様なサステナビリティに関する経営課題を解決する支援を行っております。三井住友銀行は、TCS、日本IBMとともに、日本国内のお客さまにClimanomics® platformを提供することでお客さまのTCFD対応のご支援を行うとともに、持続可能な社会にむけた取組みに貢献して参ります。


(*1)Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosuresの略称







The Climate ServiceTCS)について

The Climate Serviceは、強力で安全性の高いテクノロジーと、気候科学者からのデータ及び専門知識を組み合わせることで気候変動に伴う財務リスク分析をモデル化しています。このモデルは、投資家や企業、地域社会が気候変動による財務リスクや低炭素社会への移行による機会について理解する手助けとなります。TCSは、Forrester Research社による“Climate Risk Analytics New Wave” レポートにおいて最高位のリーダーに選ばれており、低炭素社会への公平な移行を促進するために、気候リスクデータをあらゆる意思決定に組み込むことを目指しています。


Climanomics® platformについて

Climanomics® platformは世界最大級の銀行、資産運用会社、不動産投資家、Fortune500企業や米国連邦政府を含む公的機関などの顧客に信頼されています。TCSのClimanomics® platformにより、顧客はTCFDフレームワークに準拠した気候リスクの評価と報告が可能になります。




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Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation

The Climate Service.Inc.

IBM Japan, Ltd.


Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, The Climate Service, Inc. of the United States, and IBM Japan, Ltd. have signed a memorandum of understanding.


 Support corporate climate change disclosure by providing climate change risk / opportunity analysis services


Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (“SMBC”, President and CEO: Makoto Takashima), The Climate Service, Inc. (“TCS”, headquartered in North Carolina, US), and IBM Japan, Ltd. (“IBM Japan”, GM and President: Akio Yamaguchi, headquartered in Tokyo, Japan) announced today that they have signed a memorandum of understanding with the aim of jointly developing services for customers that will allow them to analyze the risks and opportunities related to climate change, as well as the potential impact of regulations governing financial disclosure.


TCS provides “The Climanomics® platform" which analyzes risks and opportunities and quantifies financial impact, in line with the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Information Disclosure (TCFD *1), which provides an international framework for climate change-related disclosure. From August this year, SMBC and IBM Japan have performed a proof of concept using TCS's Climanomics® platform in Japan, focusing on customers aiming to list on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Market from the spring of 2022. As a result, we have received a certain degree of evaluation for the analysis of risks associated with climate change, and we will start full-scale plan to provide services to our customers in early 2022.


The movement towards making climate change-related financial information disclosure is accelerating on a global basis. TCFD has provided guidelines for companies covering disclosure of their action plans aimed at achieving decarbonization. In addition, with the revision of the Corporate Governance Code in June 2021, some listed companies in Japan are now required to disclose information in line with the TCFD.


On the other hand, analysis of risks and opportunities required by TCFD and quantification of financial impact require highly specialized business knowledge, climate expertise, and capabilities around collecting large amounts of data and examining quantification methods, so digital utilization is indispensable. We believe that TCS’s services will be a solution to these issues.


The Climanomics® platform aligns with TCFD. Guided by a team including scientists from the world-renowned Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and leveraging over a thousand proprietary econometric functions, the Climanomics® platform blends terabytes of climate science with data from individual company assets to offer analysis covering multiple climate scenarios over a time horizon of up to 80 years.


The platform enables assessment of physical risks including temperature extremes, drought, wildfire, coastal and fluvial flooding, tropical cyclones and water stress, and packages data into simple visualizations to provide insights into the location, severity, and timing of climate risks, quantified in financial terms. The analysis contents and results are available to the users through the cloud-based user interface or data export. Since a standardized quantification model for migration risks and opportunities analysis has not been established yet, the quantification of financial impact is done through leveraging data sets available from the scientific community. This method will be continuously upgraded to align with industry standards.


IBM Japan has a wealth of knowledge and skills that have tackled ESG issues of global and diverse companies in terms of technology. We will support the introduction of this service to more customers based on our track record and knowledge of supporting TCFD support for advanced European and US companies.


SMBC’s "SMBC Group GREEN Innovator" program will facilitate to support customers in resolving management issues related to various sustainability initiatives. SMBC, together with TCS and IBM Japan, will support customers in Japan by providing the Climanomics® platform to support TCFD reporting, and will contribute to efforts toward a sustainable society.


(*1)Financial Impact of Climate-related Risks and Opportunities (Overview)


About SMBC

SMBC was established in April 2001 through the merger of Sakura Bank and Sumitomo Bank. SMBC has strengths in one of the largest operating bases in Japan, speed of strategy implementation, and the ability to provide financial services through a leading group company. Under the Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group, we will work together with other group companies to provide our customers with high quality complex financial services.


About TCS

The Climate Service combines data and expertise from leading climate scientists with powerful, secure technology to model climate-related financial risks. This helps investors, companies, and communities understand their financial risks from the changing climate and the opportunities from a transition to a lower-carbon economy. Named a leader—the highest designation possible—by Forrester Research’s Climate Risk Analytics New Wave report, The Climate Service works to embed climate risk data into every decision on the planet to accelerate an equitable transition to a low-carbon economy.


About the Climanomics® platform

Trusted by clients including the world’s largest banks, asset managers, real estate investors, Fortune 500 firms, and public bodies, including the US Federal Government, the Climanomics® platform from The Climate Service enables climate risk assessment and reporting consistent with the TCFD framework. Providing asset and portfolio-level analysis, evaluating assets anywhere in the world, the platform models risks and opportunities decades into the future.


About IBM Japan

Founded in 1937, IBM Japan is a subsidiary of IBM Corporation, which operates in more than 175 countries around the world. With integrated services ranging from basic research and business consulting to IT system development, integration, maintenance and operation, IBM Japan provides high-value hybrid cloud and AI solutions that help drive clients’ business rand digital transformation

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