

2024年10月 1日

日本アイ・ビー・エム株式会社(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役社長:山口 明夫、以下 日本IBM)は、株式会社三菱UFJ銀行(本社:東京都千代田区、取締役頭取執行役員:半沢 淳一、以下 三菱UFJ銀行)、株式会社インターネットイニシアティブ(本社:東京都千代田区、代表取締役 社長執行役員:勝 栄二郎、以下IIJ)の各社とそれぞれ戦略的パートナーシップを締結し、地域金融機関向け新共同プラットフォーム(以下、新共同プラットフォーム)を2024年10月1日より提供開始したことを発表しました。新共同プラットフォームは、メインフレームや分散系を含むあらゆるITプラットフォームを、地域金融機関が既存のシステム共同化の枠組みを超え、経営戦略に応じて適材適所かつ選択肢を持って長期にわたり利用できる画期的な取り組みです。本取り組みの中で、三菱UFJ銀行は新会社を設立し、地域金融機関向けメインフレーム基盤の共同利用を実現する「メインフレーム共同プラットフォーム」に参画します。すでに、地銀システム共同化グループの「じゅうだん会」と「Flight21」が、新共同プラットフォームの採用を決定しました。また、地銀システム共同化グループの「Chance」も採用を検討しています。



















※ご参考:日本IBM・IIJプレスリリース(2024年10月1日):日本IBM とIIJが協業し、地域金融機関向けに「分散基盤共同プラットフォーム」を提供開始




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October 1, 2024

IBM, in collaboration with MUFJ Bank and IIJ, launched a new "Financial Hybrid Cloud Platform" for regional financial institutions


As a first step in "Sharing of the shared banking system scheme," realize the joint use of data centers, mainframe infrastructure, network backbones, and related equipment

Mitsubishi UFJ Bank establishes a new company and participates in the "Joint Mainframe Platform" scheme to realize the joint use of mainframe infrastructure beyond the framework of shared banking systems


Japan IBM announced today that it has entered into strategic partnerships with Bank of Mitsubishi UFJ (MUFJ) and Internet Initiative Japan (hereinafter referred to as "IIJ") and launched a new joint banking system platform for regional banks (hereinafter referred to as the "New Joint Platform").


The new joint platform is a groundbreaking initiative that enables regional financial institutions to use any IT platform, including mainframes and distributed systems, over the long term with the optimal selection and mix in accordance with their business strategies. This scheme goes beyond the existing framework of shared banking systems.


As part of this initiative, MUFJ established a new company and participate in the "Mainframe Joint Platform" to realize the joint use of mainframe infrastructure for regional financial institutions. The regional banking system alliance groups "Judankai" and "Flight21" have already decided to adopt the new joint platform. “Chance” is also considering to adop the new platform.


In the “Next-Generation Core Banking System Solutions” announced in 2022, IBM Japan aims to streamline the “defensive” area, which requires system security, safety, and stability by specializing in basic functions, and reallocate resources to “strategic” area, which includes rapidly changing functions and services that embody the strategies of each financial institution. IBM Japan has been accelerating business and digital transformation of financial institutions by providing Digital Services Platform (DSP).


At the same time, regional financial institutions have been accelerating their business and digital innovation in recent years, and as financial institutions that support regional economies, they are required to develop “aggressive” business strategies. This includes shifting their focus to investment in strategic areas that require digital transformation, as well as transformation of a system architecture with high return on investment and improved productivity, efficiency, and economic rationality in the medium to long term. IBM Japan has been exploring ways to provide an infrastructure with the flexibility and continuity required of regional financial institutions in the future, as well as to transform the entire banking system through standardization and shared banking system beyond the existing shared banking system scheme.


To meet the banks’ needs, IBM Japan has decided to build a "Mainframe Joint Platform" and a "Distributed System Joint Platform" as new joint banking platforms, based on strategic partnerships with MUFJ and IIJ, and provide these platforms to regional financial institutions as a "financial hybrid cloud platform" that includes DSP. Through the new joint platform, IBM Japan will accelerate the realization of "Sharing the shared banking system" by migrating regional financial institutions to a new joint platform that transcends the existing framework of regional bank system sharing, and will drive cost optimization in non-strategic areas and a shift in investment in strategic areas in the future while maintaining stable system operation.


Mainframe Joint Platform

MUFJ has established a new company, Ishizue LLC, and through the new company, in collaboration with Japan IBM, it will provide IBM's mainframe infrastructure as a joint platform exclusively for regional financial institutions, rather than for joint use with other industries, for core banking systems of regional financial institutions that require robust, high availability, and continuity. In addition, the data center will be located in MUFJ's existing data center, which has high quality and reliability.


As a first step beyond the existing framework of shared banking system, the mainframe joint platform will realize the joint use of mainframe hardware and software, maintain the reliability and continuity of the core banking systems that are critical social infrastructure, and build a foundation to support the transformation of regional financial institutions while maintaining required talents and economic rationality. This new platform will enable more sustainable usage of mainframes for the future.


Distributed System Joint Platform

IIJ and IBM Japan will provide a distributed system platform from IIJ’s data centers to respond to market changes and for operations that require flexibility and scalability, while ensuring the quality and requirements of financial institutions. This enables improved efficiency of infrastructure resources and operations beyond the existing shared banking system scheme. In addition, the two companies will build a "private network backbone" dedicated to regional financial institutions that securely connects to the operation center and the outside world without delay, improving the efficiency of network resources and operations, providing security and authentication functions, and improving the flexibility of connecting to various cloud services in the future.


Japan IBM, MUFJ and IIJ aim to contribute to the business and digital transformation of regional financial institutions together with regional financial institutions and many related companies and organizations through the provision of a "Financial Hybrid Cloud Platform". In addition to formulating and building next-generation account solutions for regional financial institutions, IBM Japan will work with regional financial institutions to develop a new framework for collaboration that goes beyond the existing shared banking system schemes.


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