
メタルワンと日本IBM、自動車鋼材流通のデジタル・プラットフォーム「Metal X®」構築






株式会社メタルワン(以下 メタルワン)と日本アイ・ビー・エム株式会社(以下 日本IBM)は、自動車鋼板流通においてデジタル変革を推進し持続可能なサプライチェーンを実現するデジタル・プラットフォーム「Metal X®」(メタルエックス)の構築に向けて協力し、2023年4月からメタルワンよりユーザーへのサービス提供を開始します。




このたび、メタルワンと日本IBMは、自動車鋼板流通に関わるサプライチェーン企業を1つの企業体(バーチャル・エンタープライズ)と見立て、企業間で同じシステムを使用しデータをシェアすることで企業間コミュニケーション、オペレーションを効率化・円滑化するデジタル・プラットフォームMetal X®を構築しました。Metal X®では、自動車部品から鋼材までの部品表(BOM: Bill of Materials)情報を保持し、自動車メーカーの生産計画に基づいて高炉メーカーへの発注に必要となる鋼材の所要量を自動算出します。また、日々の配送を自動車メーカー、部品メーカー、コイルセンター、商社が同時に管理できる共通納期管理ツールも提供予定であり、将来的には、鋼材から自動車部品ができる工程における温室効果ガス(GHG: Greenhouse Gas) 排出量を可視化し、サプライチェーン全体を通してGHG排出量が管理できるサービスを提供予定です。



Metal X®を利用することにより、ユーザーは市場変動への迅速・柔軟な対応を実現しながら、鋼材供給の安定化・最適化を図ることが可能になります。将来的にはAIなどを活用し、個社単位ではなくサプライチェーン全体としてGHG排出量削減ポイントを見つけ出し、鉄鋼新素材と新エネルギーへの切り替えや、納期調整や共同配送による物流の見直しなどの改善アクションをレコメンデーションすることで、カーボンニュートラルへの貢献も見込まれます。


さらに、メタルワン以外の商社でもMetal X®を広く利用いただきオープンに共創することで、自動車鋼板流通全体でのデジタル・トランスフォーメーション(DX)推進による業界の変革や、ひいては、日本におけるいわゆる2025年問題である人材不足をはじめとした社会課題への解決にも貢献していきます。





今回、長きにわたりサプライチェーンに幅広く携わってきたノウハウを武器に、自動車鋼板流通に関わる企業のDX推進パートナーとなり、業界全体の変革・成長に寄与すべく、Metal Xプロジェクトを進めてきました。さらに、鉄鋼総合商社としての社会的責任を果たす為、環境に配慮した持続可能な事業活動を行うための基盤となるプラットフォームを構築し、新たな価値の創出を目指します。



日本IBMは、世界175カ国以上でビジネスを展開するIBMコーポレーションの日本法人で、基礎研究をはじめ、ビジネス・コンサルティングから、ITシステムの構築、保守まで一貫したサービスの提供を通じて、デジタル・トランスフォーメーションを支援しています。詳細については、https://www.ibm.com/jp-ja/ をご参照ください。

今回、サステナビリティー実現に向けた戦略策定などのコンサルティングから、プラットフォーム構築などの実装、さらには業界を超えたエコシステム組成に取り組んできた豊富な知見やスキルを活用し、デジタル・プラットフォームMetal X®の構想策定、戦略立案、サービス検討コンサルティングから、PoCによる検証・評価、本番システムの構築、運用・保守まで支援しました。日本IBMは、 今後も自社で実践してきたノウハウや国内外の先進事例も踏まえながら、お客様とともにサステナブル経営に向けた変革を推進し、持続可能な社会実現を可能とする、業界、国を超えたプラットフォーム構築を目指します。



※IBM、IBM ロゴ、ibm.comは、世界の多くの国で登録されたInternational Business Machines Corp.の商標です。他の製品名およびサービス名等は、それぞれIBMまたは各社の商標である場合があります。現時点での IBM の商標リストについては、https://www.ibm.com/legal/copytrade.shtml(US)をご覧ください。

(updated on May 22, 2023)

March 30, 2023


Metal One Corporation
IBM Japan, Ltd.


Metal One and IBM Japan build Metal X® digital platform for automotive steel distribution

Services to launch at Metal One in April 2023




Metal One Corporation (Metal One) and IBM Japan, Ltd. (IBM Japan) are collaborating to build Metal X®, a digital platform that will drive digital transformation in automotive steel distribution and foster more sustainable supply chains. Metal One will begin offering the service to customers in April 2023.


As the automotive industry transitions from mass production to mass customization, new materials, new technologies and new procurement methods must be adopted, and automotive steel distribution must also become more agile. In addition, there is a need to ensure the resilience required to handle production fluctuations caused by pandemics and semiconductor shortages, as well as sustainable supply chains that contribute to carbon neutrality. Considering such changes in the business environment, Metal One has decided to develop new capabilities as a trading company that supports distribution cross-functionally.


Metal One and IBM Japan’s Metal X ® digital platform envisions companies involved in supply chains related to automotive steel distribution as a single corporate entity or “virtual enterprise.” This will streamline and boost the efficiency of communications among these companies and operations by using the same system to share data.


Metal X® stores bill of materials (BOM) data for everything from car parts to steel materials, and automatically calculates the amounts of steel needed from steel manufacturers, based on carmakers’ production plans. There are also plans to provide shared delivery deadline management tools that will enable car and parts makers, steel service centers and trading companies to simultaneously manage daily deliveries. Other plans include offering services to manage greenhouse gas emissions throughout entire supply chains by visualizing greenhouse gas emissions generated during the processes from producing steel materials until the vehicle parts are made.


The initial service—providing automatic calculation of required amounts of steel materials, using unit input-output tables to manage cross-corporate BOM data—will kick off in April 2023.



Using Metal X® will enable customers to respond rapidly and flexibly to market fluctuations while achieving stable and optimal flow of steel supplies. Leveraging AI and other technologies, Metal X® will also contribute to carbon neutrality by identifying methods of reducing greenhouse gas emissions—not by company but throughout entire supply chains—and offering recommendations on what actions to incorporate improvements, such as adapting more eco-friendly steel products and energy sources and restructuring logistics through delivery deadline coordination and joint deliveries.


Moreover, encouraging the widespread use of Metal X® by trading companies other than Metal One and advancing joint open development of the platform will help transform the industry by promoting digital transformation (DX) in overall automotive steel distribution. This will also help resolve social issues, such as Japan’s talent shortage—the so-called “2025 problem.”



Metal One

Metal One is an integrated steel trading company that operates worldwide, with 108 offices and affiliates in Japan and elsewhere, and handles a wide variety of steel products that include steel sheet for the automotive and appliance industries, construction materials, containers and steel furniture.

Leveraging these domestic and overseas networks, Metal One provides a singular range of capabilities and services that include financing and IT solutions, along with the Metal One Group’s operational capabilities such as logistics, warehousing and processing. In particular, Metal One’s automotive steel sheet business has helped construct strong supply chains in the automotive industry by ensuring a stable supply of high-quality products and providing wide-ranging processing capabilities and just-in-time delivery.

By utilizing its expertise cultivated through long, wide-ranging involvement within the  supply chain, Metal One is promoting the Metal X project as a way to partner with companies involved in automotive steel sheet distribution, promote DX, and contribute to the industry’s overall transformation and growth. The company is determined to build a platform that serves as a foundation for undertaking sustainable corporate activities that are environmentally friendly, and to generate new value as ways of fulfilling its social responsibilities as an integrated steel trading company.


IBM Japan

IBM Japan is the Japanese entity of IBM Corporation, which is operating in more than 175 countries around the world. It supports clients’ business transformation and digital transformation through a full range of services, from basic research and business consulting to IT system development and maintenance. For more information, visit https://www.ibm.com/jp-ja/.

IBM Japan has supported this project in various ways, ranging from the conceptualization of the Metal X® digital platform, strategy planning, consulting service for PoC verification and evaluation, as well as development, operation, and maintenance of the production system by leveraging its expertise and skills in consulting services for strategy planning of sustainability, implementation of platforms, and cross-industry ecosystems building.

Based on its own expertise and pioneering case studies from Japan and globally, IBM Japan will continue to work with clients to drive transformation toward sustainable management and build cross-industry or cross-country platforms that enable the realization of a sustainable society.


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