
e-methaneバリューチェーンのCO2排出量可視化と環境価値移転を可能とするデジタルプラットフォーム「CO2NNEX for e-methane」のデモシステム構築について







大阪ガス株式会社(以下、大阪ガス)、三菱重工業株式会社(以下、三菱重工)および日本アイ・ビー・エム株式会社(以下、日本IBM)の3社は、三菱重工と日本IBMが構築を進める二酸化炭素(以下、CO2)流通を可視化するデジタルプラットフォーム「CO2NNEXTM(コネックス)」を活用し、メタネーションによって製造される合成メタンであるe-methane(e-メタン)等の製造・輸送・供給・利用といったサプライチェーン全体で発生するCO2排出量を可視化し、環境価値の取引・移転を可能とするデジタルプラットフォーム「CO2NNEX for e-methane」のデモシステム(以下、本システム)を構築しました(図1)。

また、2022年10月より開始した「CO2NNEX for e-methane」の概念実証(PoC:Proof of Concept)の実施に当たっては、引き続き一般社団法人日本ガス協会、東京ガス株式会社、東邦ガス株式会社および株式会社INPEXと意見交換を行いながら、e-methaneの普及および環境価値確立を目指していきます。


現在、メタネーションを含めたCCU(Carbon dioxide Capture and Utilization:CO2を回収して燃料、化学品、建材などの製造・利用に活用すること)分野におけるCO2のカウント方法について議論がなされており、カーボンリサイクル燃料の1つであるe-methane分野においても検討が進められています。

都市ガス顧客に供給するe-methaneの環境価値を定量的に示すためには、サプライチェーンにおいてCO2の排出源および排出量を管理できるシステムが必要です。また、e-methaneは導管内で天然ガスと混合した状態となることから、e-methaneの生産地と需要家をデジタル空間上で接続させ、その環境価値だけを切り出して取引・移転できる共通プラットフォームが重要になると考え、2022年10月より、「CO2NNEX for e-methane」の概念実証を共同で開始しております。



今後、本システムを広く周知し、デモを行うことで、産官学の様々な皆さまのご意見をいただきながら、「CO2NNEX for e-methane」の利用等による効果・有効性について検証を進めていきます。


現在、e-methaneの製造・社会実装に向け、メタネーションに関するさまざまな実証事業が計画されています。大阪ガス、三菱重工、日本IBMの3社は、今後計画されているメタネーション実証に「CO2NNEX for e-methane」のPoCで得られた成果を適用することで、e-methaneの社会実装とカーボンニュートラル社会の実現に貢献していきます。


「CO2NNEX for e-methane」について


















以 上




Three partners build a demonstration system for CO2NNEX for e-methane,

a digital platform for visualizing CO2 emissions across e-methane value chain

and transferring e-methane’s environmental value

February 15, 2023

Osaka Gas Co., Ltd.

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.

IBM Japan, Ltd.


Osaka Gas Co., Ltd., Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI), and IBM Japan, Ltd. today jointly announced that they have built a demonstration system (the “System,” see Figure 1) for CO2NNEX for e-methane, a digital platform for visualizing the amount of CO2 emissions across the value chain of e-methane (methane synthesized with the methanation technology) and transferring e-methane’s environmental value. CO2NNEX for e-methane is based on CO2NNEX, a digital platform being developed by MHI and IBM Japan for visualizing the CO2 supply chain. In conducting the PoC (Proof of Concept) of CO2NNEX for e-methane, the three partners will discuss and exchange views with the Japan Gas Association, Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd., Toho Gas Co., Ltd., and INPEX CORPORATION to identify effective ways to promote the use of e-methane and establish its environmental value.


Using the System, this tripartite project aims to achieve the following: A system for managing the amount of CO2 emissions from its sources throughout the e-methane supply chain to provide the data of e-methane’s quantified environmental value to gas users; A shared platform that digitally connects e-methane production sites to markets for trading and transferring the environmental value of e-methane, which will be blended with natural gas in the pipeline. The three partners pursue this initiative, aiming to contribute to the transition to a net zero society, which requires practical solutions as currently studied, such as CO2 accounting methods for CCU (carbon dioxide capture and utilization), including methanation, and the application of the accounting methods for e-methane, a recycled-carbon fuel.


The System has been established as part of the partners’ joint project for another PoC that has been underway since October 2022 utilizing CO2NNEX. For the System, the partners have developed a feature that visualizes the amount of CO2 emissions throughout the e-methane lifecycle, from production to transport, supply, and combustion (see Figure 2) and a feature that displays the balance of e-methane environmental value held by each participant and requests/authorizes the trading of the value (see Figure 3).


The project plans to conduct the demonstration to examine the effectiveness and efficiency of utilizing CO2NNEX for e-methane while promoting a wider recognition of the System to collect feedback from academia, industry, and government. The partners intend to apply the PoC results to planned methanation demonstrations, aiming to realize the practical application of e-methane and contribute to achieving a carbon neutral society.



About CO2NNEX for e-methane

CO2NNEX for e-methane quantifies e-methane’s environmental value by tracking and managing CO2 emissions throughout the e-methane supply chain from production to supply, including transport, and combustion by each participant at each location. The project aims to build a shared platform that transfers and trades e-methane’s environmental value.


About methanation

Methanation is a technology for synthesizing methane, the main component of natural gas, from hydrogen and CO2. The resulting product is known as e-methane. The use (combustion) of e-methane results in no effective increase in CO2 for society as a whole because CO2, which is normally emitted into the atmosphere, is captured and recycled for use in producing e-methane. Also, methanation is expected to be an economically efficient way of achieving carbon neutrality, with e-methane being distributed through the existing gas infrastructure and combusted in existing gas appliances, requiring no large-scale investment for constructing new energy systems or modifying the existing ones.


About Osaka Gas

Osaka Gas announced the Daigas Group Carbon Neutral Vision in January 2021 for achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 mainly through the introduction of carbon neutral gas produced by methanation, decarbonization of its power sources primarily through the use of renewable energies and the reduction of carbon emissions. The company is also conducting a number of studies on developing methanation projects overseas – notably in Australia, South America, and Southeast Asia – for the commercialization of methanation technology.


About MHI

MHI Group is actively involved in programs targeting the realization of a carbon neutral society. Building a CO2 ecosystem is central to its energy transition initiatives. As a global leader in CCUS, the company aims to accelerate this ecosystem development by seeking widespread adoption of related hardware as well as the CO2NNEX digital platform.


About IBM Japan

Applying its experience in supporting numerous customers worldwide, IBM Japan accelerates the development of CO2NNEX by utilizing its blockchain technology enabling highly secure, transparent, and reliable data sharing; its hybrid cloud technology for building an agile and flexible IT environment linking a cloud and existing systems; and its AI technology enabling visualization, automation and optimization of a value chain.


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