

2022年11月 7日





中外製薬株式会社(本社:東京、代表取締役社長 CEO:奥田 修)と、日本アイ・ビー・エム株式会社(本社:東京、代表取締役社長:山口 明夫、以下 日本IBM)は、デジタルプラント実現に向け、新しい生産オペレーションを支えるデジタル基盤を構築し、中外製薬のグループ会社である中外製薬工業株式会社の浮間工場で稼働させたことをお知らせいたします。今後、同工場において本格的な活用を推進するとともに、宇都宮工場、藤枝工場における展開に向け、引き続き両社の協働を進めます。


本デジタル基盤は、教育系システム、計画系システム、遠隔支援システムの3つのシステムから構成されています。これらのシステム群や既存の社内システムはデータ基盤を介して連携し、効率的な生産・要員計画および進捗管理や現場のリモート支援に活用されます。生産性向上、信頼性向上、働き方の変革を目指した 「人に着目したデジタル基盤」の構築を通じ、システム開発にあわせて業務プロセスを変革しました。デジタル化を通じた新しいオペレーションにより、DI(Data Integrity)対応を含めた医薬品製造に関する規制へのコンプライアンスを高めると同時に、生産計画や業務アサインの全体最適化や見える化が期待されます。さらに、製造ラインを越えた組織横断的な働き方が可能となることで、個々人の経験やスキル向上などの人財育成にも寄与します。また、作業の確認や支援がリモートでできるようになることで、場所を選ばない柔軟な働き方を実現します。





  GMP:Good Manufacturing Practice、DI:Data Integrity




上席執行役員 デジタルトランスフォーメーションユニット長の志済 聡子は、「デジタルプラントの実現は、CHUGAI DIGITAL VISION 2030に掲げる 『すべてのバリューチェーンの効率化』の一環として目指すものです。新しいオペレーションを支えるデジタル基盤の構築は、デジタルプラント実現の第一段階であり、システム開発の枠を超え、既存の業務プロセスの在り方を見直すことが重要でした。日本IBMの豊富な経験と多様なソリューションにより、無事稼働に至ったことを大変嬉しく思います」と語っています。


執行役員 生産技術本部長兼中外製薬工業株式会社社長の田熊 晋也は、「生産機能のソフト面の業務をDX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)により大きく変革するデジタルプラントは、中外製薬の目指すトップイノベーターに相応しい生産機能を実現するために不可欠です。DXを通じ、生産性の向上に加え、作業の信頼性向上や新しい働き方の実現も図ることで、生産機能の価値創造型組織への転換を一層推進してまいります」と語っています。


日本アイ・ビー・エム株式会社 執行役員 IBMコンサルティング事業本部 公共・通信メディア公益・エンタープライズサービス事業部長 浅野 正治は、「当社は2020年から中外製薬と協働し、生産機能のデジタル変革を支援してまいりました。今回、先行導入した浮間工場で、ライン横断での生産計画立案などにより、最適な作業者の割当やモバイルを活用した業務の効率化といった新たなオペレーションへの変革、そして人財の高付加価値化に寄与することができました。今後は他工場への展開を推進し、データ活用による業務変革など更なるデジタル変革を共に発展・成熟させていくことに貢献してまいります」と語っています。









IBM、ibm.comは、世界の多くの国で登録されたInternational Business Machines Corp.の商標です。他の製品名およびサービス名等は、それぞれIBMまたは各社の商標である場合があります。現時点での IBM の商標リストについては、http://www.ibm.com/legal/copytrade.shtml (US)をご覧ください。



Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

IBM Japan Ltd.


Chugai Pharmaceutical and IBM Japan Initiate Operation of Digital Infrastructure at Ukima Plant to Support New Operations of the Production Function


TOKYO, November 7, 2022 -- Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (TOKYO: 4519) and IBM Japan Ltd. announced today that they have established a digital infrastructure to support new operations of Chugai’s production function, with the aim of realizing a digital plant. The digital infrastructure has started its operation at Ukima Plant of Chugai Pharma Manufacturing Co., Ltd., a group company of Chugai Pharmaceutical. Chugai and IBM Japan will continue to work together to promote the full-scale use of the system at the plant and to adopt the digital infrastructure at the Utsunomiya and Fujieda plants as well.


The digital infrastructure consists of three systems: educational system, planning system, and a remote support system. These systems and existing in-house systems are all linked through a data platform and will be utilized for efficient production and workforce planning and progress management, as well as remotely supporting the work site. Chugai transformed its business processes in line with system development to build a “digital infrastructure focused on people,” which aims to achieve improvement of productivity and reliability, and promotion of work style reforms. New operations through digitalization are expected to improve compliance with regulations related to pharmaceutical manufacturing including ensuring of DI (Data Integrity), and overall optimization and visualization of production plans and work assignment. Furthermore, realization of cross-organizational working across production lines will enable to enrich individual job experiences and to improve their skills, contributing to human resources development. In addition, the system enables employees to confirm and assist work operations remotely, providing better workplace flexibility.


[Overview of digital infrastructure supporting new operations]




GMP:Good Manufacturing Practice, DI:Data Integrity


IBM Japan is working toward the realization of Chugai Pharmaceutical’s digital plant by leveraging its track record, expertise, and skills in digital transformation obtained through client engagements in various industries. Chugai and IBM have been driving comprehensive and innovative digital transformation initiatives in building a digital platform, ranging from system requirement definition, design, development to implementation across all functional areas related to pharmaceuticals, as well as formulating new business concepts and rules with a view to post-digital transformation and changing the mindset of every worker engaged in plant operations. In a rapidly changing business environment, Chugai has been reforming its businesses by fully utilizing digital technologies. Resonating with Chugai’s Vision, IBM Japan will continue to collaborate with Chugai as it drives further transformation initiatives, including the realization of the world-leading digital plant for pharmaceuticals.


“The realization of the digital plant is part of 'Optimization of all value chains' stated in CHUGAI DIGITAL VISION 2030, and building a digital infrastructure is the first step. In order to realize the digital plant, we need to not only develop systems, but also to transform our business processes.  We are very pleased that we have successfully started to operate the new digital infrastructure through collaboration with IBM Japan, with their extensive experience and diverse solutions,” said Satoko Shisai, Chugai’s Executive Vice President, Head of Digital Transformation Unit.


“Digital plant, which will significantly transform the intangible aspects of production operations through digital transformation (DX), is essential to realize the production function which is appropriate as a Top Innovator that Chugai Pharmaceutical aims to become. Through DX, we will further accelerate the transformation of our production function into a value-creating organization by improving work reliability and realizing new ways of working, in addition to improving productivity,” said Shinya Takuma, Chugai’s Vice President, Head of Manufacturing Technology Division and President of Chugai Pharma Manufacturing Co., Ltd.


“IBM Japan has been working with Chugai Pharmaceutical since 2020 to drive digital transformation for manufacturing functions. At Ukima Plant, which was first to implement the system, IBM Japan was able to contribute to transforming operations through production planning across the production line, including optimal worker allocation and increased work efficiency through the use of mobile devices, as well as adding high value to human capital. The two companies will continue to expand the system to other plants to further develop and mature Chugai’s digital transformation, such as operation transformation through data utilization,” said Masaharu Asano, Senior Partner - Sector Leader, Public & Communications, IBM Consulting, IBM Japan.


As the second step toward the realization of the digital plant, Chugai will deploy this digital infrastructure to other plants with the aim of starting operations in 2023 at the Utsunomiya Plant and in 2024 at the Fujieda Plant. Considering operation status at the three plants, Chugai will also work to further upgrade its digital infrastructure and take additional measures.


About Chugai Pharmaceutical

Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., headquartered in Tokyo, is a research-based pharmaceutical company with world-class drug discovery capabilities, including proprietary antibody engineering technologies. Chugai is committed to creating innovative pharmaceutical products that may satisfy unmet medical needs. Chugai is listed on the Prime Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. While maintaining autonomy and management independence, Chugai is an important member of the Roche Group. Additional information is available at https://www.chugai-pharm.co.jp/english/.


About IBM Japan

Founded in 1937, IBM Japan is a subsidiary of IBM Corporation, which operates in more than 175 countries around the world. With integrated services ranging from basic research and business consulting to IT system development, integration and maintenance, IBM Japan provides high-value hybrid cloud and AI solutions that help drive clients’ business rand digital transformation.

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