




Persefoni AI, Inc.




株式会社三井住友銀行(頭取CEO:髙島 誠、以下「三井住友銀行」)、米Persefoni AI, Inc.(CEO:ケンタロウ・カワモリ、以下「パーセフォニ」)、日本アイ・ビー・エム株式会社(代表取締役社長:山口 明夫、以下「日本IBM」)は、温室効果ガス(Greenhouse Gas、以下「GHG」) 排出量可視化・分析管理を支援するサービス(以下「本サービス」)の提供を共同で進めていくことを目的として、基本合意書を締結いたしました。具体的には、パーセフォニのグローバル規模の炭素会計プラットフォームを、コンサルティング・システム導入・構築において多数の実績を有する日本IBMとともに三井住友銀行が、そのお客さまに提供することで、お客さまの脱炭素に向けた取り組みを支援するものです。また、基本合意書締結に加え、三井住友銀行は日本の金融機関で初めて、自行のGHG排出量可視化のためにパーセフォニのプラットフォームを長期導入することを決定いたしました。

1. 本サービス提供の背景



2. サービス提供における強み

パーセフォニの炭素会計プラットフォームは、グローバルで利用可能、及び各地域特有の排出係数を組み込み、GHGプロトコルやPCAF(Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials)に準拠したスコープ1、2、3の排出量を算定・分析・管理することができます。特に、スコープ3のカテゴリ11(販売した製品・サービスの使用等による排出)やカテゴリ15(投融資先の排出量)などの排出量算定に強みを有しています。また、プラットフォームには、SBT(Science Based Target)に準拠した目標設定・管理を提供する気候変動モデリング機能も有しており、お客さまの脱炭素計画の策定も支援いたします。今回の合意により、自動的な炭素会計ソリューションの需要が急速に高まっている日本市場において、パーセフォニのプラットフォームを迅速に提供することが可能になります。


日本IBMは、金融業界を長く支援してきた実績をもとに、お客さまと共創する「IBM Garage」手法を用いてデータ・サイエンティストが開発したツールを提供いたします。これにより、当サービスを採用されるお客さまに、パーセフォニプラットフォームへのデータ入力プロセスの自動化とGHG排出量の計算出力およびレポート作成機能を提供いたします。このツールは企業がGHG排出量計算に必要な大量のデータを取り扱う上で、データ収集と計算処理・データ加工が可能なワンストップの統合データ基盤上で開発されています。


なお、三井住友銀行と日本IBMは、2022年春より、米The Climate Services, Inc.と共に、気候変動に伴うリスク・機会の分析を支援するサービスを提供開始しています。



3. 三井住友銀行におけるパーセフォニプラットフォームの導入

三井住友銀行がパーセフォニプラットフォーム導入を決定したのは、日本国内のみならずグローバルで排出量管理を行うことができるためです。三井住友銀行は、パーセフォニプラットフォームが三井住友銀行と同様に海外に幅広く展開している企業が直面する、非常に複雑な計算、多様な排出係数、包括的な排出量管理といった課題を支援できると考えています。SMBCグループでは、「SMBC Group GREEN Innovator」を掲げ、お客さまが抱える多様なサステナビリティーに関する経営課題を解決する支援を行っており、脱炭素社会の移行と実現のため、これからも積極的にサステナビリティー実現に貢献してまいります。








日本IBMは、世界175カ国以上でビジネスを展開するIBMコーポレーションの日本法人で、基礎研究をはじめ、ビジネス・コンサルティングから、ITシステムの構築、保守まで一貫したサービスの提供を通じて、お客さまの企業変革やデジタル・トランスフォーメーションを支援しています。詳細については、https://www.ibm.com/jp-ja/ をご参照ください。

※IBM、IBM ロゴ、ibm.comは、世界の多くの国で登録されたInternational Business Machines Corp.の商標です。他の製品名およびサービス名等は、それぞれIBMまたは各社の商標である場合があります。現時点での IBM の商標リストについては、https://www.ibm.com/legal/copytrade.shtml(US)をご覧ください。









Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation

Persefoni AI, Inc.

IBM Japan, Ltd.

August 10, 2022




Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, Persefoni and IBM Japan have established a business and service provision agreement to accelerate efforts to achieve Net-Zero Emissions


Tokyo – August 10, 2022 – Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (“SMBC”, President and CEO: Makoto Takashima), Persefoni AI, Inc. (“Persefoni”, CEO: Kentaro Kawamori), and IBM Japan, Ltd. (“IBM Japan”, GM and President: Akio Yamaguchi, headquartered in Tokyo, Japan) announced today that they have entered into a strategic collaboration that      will provide Persefoni’s leading Climate Management and Accounting Platform, IBM Japan’s deep systems integration experience, and SMBC’s unprecedented leadership position to high profile companies throughout Japan. This collaboration enables customers to analyze and support their global carbon footprint  management. In addition to this collaboration, SMBC is also announcing that it is the first multinational financial institution in Japan to sign a multi-year contract with Persefoni to use the Persefoni CMAP for SMBC’s own operations.


1. Background

The Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Information Disclosure (TCFD), which provides the international climate change disclosure framework, represents guidelines which requires for companies to disclose their action plan towards decarbonization. Since April,2022, some Tokyo Stock Exchange listed companies have been required to disclose information substantially in line with the TCFD. On the other hand, the TCFD requires the calculation of direct GHG emissions from the combustion of fuel by the business itself as defined in Scope 1, indirect emissions from the use of energy supplied by other companies as defined in Scope 2 and the fifteen upstream and downstream supply chain categories defined as Scope 3 requires a large amount of data collection,  sophisticated calculations and formulas. For this reason, there is a growing need for a digitally enabled service to meet regulatory and investor compliance requirements.


2. Strengths in service offerings

Persefoni provides a Climate Management and Accounting Platform (CMAP) which incorporates emission factors globally available and specific to each region and can calculate Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions in accordance with the GHG Protocol and the Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials (PCAF). The CMAP has strengths in the calculation especially for Category 11 (emissions from the use of sold products and services) and Category 15 (emissions from operation of investments and loans) of Scope 3. The CMAP also includes the Climate Trajectory Modeling module that provides SBT-compliant target-setting management and helps customers create digital models to assist in calculating net-zero plans. Through the agreement, the CMAP will be delivered to the Japanese marketplace with speed, where the demand for an automated carbon accounting solution is rapidly increasing.


IBM provides a tool, developed by data scientists through application of the IBM Garage methodology, to support the automatization of the data input process into Persefoni and the emission calculation output and reporting processes. This tool is developed on an integrated one-stop data application infrastructure that supports the large amount of data gathering and processing required for emissions calculation, which usually require a large amount of resources from the companies.


Since the spring of 2022, SMBC and IBM Japan have been providing climate change risk and opportunity analysis services to support corporate climate change disclosure while collaborating with The Climate Service, Inc. Through the strategic collaboration with Persefoni, SMBC and IBM Japan will be able to deliver a comprehensive decarbonization solution which includes from carbon footprint management to climate change risk and opportunity analysis for customers.


3. Introduction of Persefoni platform in SMBC

Critical to SMBC’s selection of Persefoni’s CMAP, the Persefoni platform enables the emission management in Japan domestically as well as globally. SMBC is confident that the Persefoni platform is the best software to tackle the challenges about emission management, such as significantly complicated calculation, various emission factors, and comprehensive emission control on a global basis that multinational companies like SMBC are facing. SMBC’s "SMBC Group GREEN Innovator" program will facilitate to support customers in resolving management issues related to various sustainability initiatives and SMBC will continue to contribute to the realization of sustainability in order to realize a decarbonized society.


About Persefoni

Persefoni’s Climate Management & Accounting Platform (CMAP) provides businesses, financial institutions, and governmental agencies the software fabric for managing their organization’s climate related data and performance with the same level of confidence as their financial reporting systems. The company’s software solutions enable users to calculate their carbon footprint, perform climate trajectory modeling aligned to temperature rise scenarios set forth by the Paris agreement, and benchmark their impact by region, sector, or peer groups.

For more information about Persefoni, please visit https://persefoni.com/


About IBM Japan

IBM Japan is the Japanese entity of IBM Corporation, which is operating in more than 175 countries around the world. It supports clients’ business transformation and digital transformation through a full range of services, from basic research and business consulting to IT system development and maintenance. For more information, visit https://www.ibm.com/jp-ja.

For more information, please visit https://www.ibm.com/jp-ja.


IBM, the IBM logo, and ibm.com are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation, registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. Other product and service names might be trademarks of IBM or other companies. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the web at "Copyright and trademark information" at http://www.ibm.com/legal/copytrade.shtml (US).


About SMBC

SMBC Group, including SMBC, is committed to achieving net-zero GHG by SMBC Group's own GHG emissions by 2030, also entire investment and loan portfolio by 2050, SMBC has strengths in one of the largest operating bases in Japan, speed of strategy implementation, and the ability to provide financial services through a leading group company. Using those strengths, we diligently support our customer’s challenges towards decarbonization.





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