

2021年05月 6日


三菱重工業株式会社 (以下、三菱重工)と日本アイ・ビー・エム株式会社(以下、日本IBM)は、二酸化炭素(CO2)の排出をネット・ゼロにするカーボンニュートラル(脱炭素社会)に貢献するため、CO2を有価物として活用する新社会への転換を目指すデジタルプラットフォーム「CO2NNEX™」(コネックス)の構築に向けて協力し、来るべき新世紀へのクリーンな地球環境の保全に正面から取り組んでいきます。具体的には、現状では貯留や転換利用と選択肢が限られているCO2の流通を可視化・整流化することにより用途の選択肢を広げ、全ステークホルダーが一丸となって地球環境保護に貢献できる世界観を生み出します。

2050年までにカーボンニュートラルの実現を目指す世界各国において、CO2を回収して貯留や転換利用するCCUS(Carbon dioxide Capture, Utilization and Storage)への期待が高まっています。現状、回収されたCO2の行き先は、廃棄コストを払って貯留されるか、または価値資源として取引されるかのいずれかです。将来的にCO2の資源化需要を高めるには、バリューチェーンにおける現状の課題を顕在化させるとともに、回収・輸送・貯留・分配・転換利用といった業務の流れ全体を最適化するための仕組みをつくることが重要です。


CO2NNEX™は、中立性・公平性を担保して高度なセキュリティーを確保するブロックチェーン、スピーディーな構築や柔軟性を特長とするクラウド、カーボンニュートラルに向けた需給の最適化を行うAIなどを活用したデジタルプラットフォームです。その構築にあたり、三菱重工および日本IBMはそれぞれの強みを生かし、以下の分野を担います。2021年5月からは、デジタルプラットフォームの実証実験に向けたコンセプト実証(PoC:Proof of Concept)を行い、具体的に検討を進めていく予定です。




グローバルで多くのお客様を支援してきた経験を生かしながら、安全で透明性、信頼性の高いデータ共有を可能にする「IBM Blockchain Platform」、クラウドと既存システムを連携させて俊敏かつ柔軟なIT環境を構築するハイブリッドクラウド技術、バリューチェーンの可視化、自動化、最適化を可能にするAI技術を活用し、CO2NNEX™の構築を検討します。また、さまざまな業界のデジタルトランスフォーメーション(DX)に取り組んできた豊富な知見やスキルを持つインダストリー・コンサルタントが参画し、デジタルプラットフォームの企画と検証を行うことを検討します。


ご参考:IBM Blockchain


MHI and IBM Japan to Develop the “CO2NNEX™” Digital Platform for Visualization of the CCUS value chain

New Platform to Strengthen the CO2 Ecosystem and Support Early Achievement of Carbon Neutrality

Visualization of the CCUS (CO2 Capture, Utilization and Storage) value chain and streamlining of the CO2 supply chain will highlight existing issues and expand the range of utilization options.

MHI to build efficient CO2 infrastructure in the physical world, with IBM Japan handling the digital network in the cyber world.


Tokyo, May 6th, 2021 – Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI) and IBM Japan, Ltd. (IBM Japan), to contribute to the realization of carbon neutrality with net zero carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, are partnering to develop CO2NNEX™, a digital platform that aims to advance the transition to a new society in which emitted CO2 is utilized as an industrial input. Specifically, the companies are working to preserve a clean global environment in the coming new era through visualization and strengthening of the CO2 supply chain, for which the limited options currently are storage or conversion, in order to expand the range of application alternatives and foster a worldview in which all stakeholders are able to work together to protect the global environment.

As countries around the world set targets to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, expectations have risen for CO2 capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS). Currently, the only alternatives for recovered CO2 are either storage and processing at a disposal cost, or trading as a feedstock. To enhance viability for CO2 as an industrial input, it will be crucial to expose the current issues and challenges in the CCUS value chain and create a structure that optimizes all aspects of the supply chain process, including recovery, transport, storage, distribution, and conversion.

To achieve this goal, MHI and IBM Japan plan to utilize CO2NNEX™ to enhance the transparency of the CCUS value chain. Currently, CO2 is only visible at each step, such as the total amount captured, or the amount that is transported, traded, and stored. Linking and visualizing this data and providing traceability will permit verification from an investment and cost standpoint. The system will also expand the scope of CO2 utilization by matching CO2 emitters with companies who are able to use it, providing supply for new applications in such sectors as industry, agriculture, and alternative e-fuel. A more dynamic ecosystem will promote carbon neutrality, and with the early adoption of CO2NNEXTM and strengthening of the CO2 supply chain will accelerate global environmental protection.

CO2NNEX™ is a digital platform that utilizes blockchain to guarantee neutrality and fairness and ensure advanced information security, along with cloud services for rapid development and flexibility, and AI to optimize supply and demand for earlier carbon neutrality. MHI and IBM Japan will utilize their respective strengths for the development, handling the areas outlined below. Evaluation of the business is planned to begin with a Proof of Concept (PoC) for the digital platform’s verification and deployment, which will be conducted from May 2021.


MHI will draw on its technology for exhaust gas CO2 recovery and worldwide commercial installations, together with its long-established relationships with customers and knowledge regarding potential issues in the CCUS value chain, to validate the building of infrastructure in the physical world, including installing smart meters to monitor the physical volume and state of CO2 at each point in the value chain, encompassing emission, capturing, compression, transport, storage, distribution, and utilization, and effectively utilize the collected data.

MHI is committed to strengthening and diversifying its CO2 capture and utilization business – CO2NNEX™ is an important part of this effort, which will help ensure the energy transition's success toward realizing a carbon neutral world.

IBM Japan

IBM Japan will consider building CO2NNEX™ utilizing global project experiences and the IBM Blockchain Platform that allows data sharing with a high degree of safety, transparency, and reliability, and the Hybrid Cloud & AI with an arrangement of intelligent and flexible IT components to facilitate visualization, automation, and optimization of value chains. The company will also consider deploying industry consultants with a wealth of knowledge and skill in digital transformation (DX) across a range of industries to plan and verify the digital platform.

MHI and IBM Japan, centered on CO2NNEX™, aim to achieve carbon neutrality and accelerate growth for industry.


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